If building a six-pack were easy almost everyone would have sexy abs. It?s not only the actual effort that?s hard, it?s also knowing ?how? to burn stomach fat correctly is a challenge. Our goal is to show you the best and practical way to burn stomach fat, so you can finally flaunt a well toned stomach. We have Mike Jackson - Nutritional Consultant and Physique Transformation Specialist to help you get toned and sexy abs. Read on and burn the unwanted calories with these exercises to burn stomach fat quickly.*Image courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images
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Statement of the Muslim Brotherhood about The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) which violates all principles of the Islamic Sharia and the Islamic community
The Commission on the Status of Women holds a conference in the period from the 4th to the 15th of March 2013 to approve a document titled (The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women), a deceptive headline that includes items collide with the principles of Islam and its basic unanimous elements of Quran and Sunnah, destroy Islamic ethics, and seek to demolish the institution of the family, which the Egyptian constitution confirmed it is the building block of the society, and hence achieve the dismantling of the community, and end to the last step of the intellectual and cultural invasion, and eliminate the privacy that preserve elements of Islamic societies and its cohesion.
It is enough to give a closer reading at these items to realize what is meant to us, and these items are:
1. Grant girls their complete sexual freedom, as well as the freedom to choose their sex and the freedom to choose their sex partners (i.e., choose to have a normal sexual relationship or atypical) with rising the age of marriage.
2. Provide contraception for adolescent girls and train them on how to use it with the legalization of abortion to abort undesirable pregnancy under the name of sexual and reproduction rights.
3. Equality between an adulterous and a wife, and equality between adultery children (outside of marriage children) and legitimate sons in all rights.
4. Granting homosexuals all their rights, protection and respect, and grant protection for women in prostitution.
5. Grant wives all the right to sue their husbands with charges of rape or harassment, and the competent authorities should grant same penalties similar to raping or harassing a stranger.
6. Equality in inheritance.
7. Replace guardianship with partnership, and fully share the roles within the family between men and women such as: spending, child care, home affairs.
8. Equal access to the marriage legislations such as: Stop polygamy, Iddah, mandate, and the dowry, and stop obligatory spending of man on the family, and to allow Muslim women to marry a non-Muslim and others.
9. Withdraw the authority of divorce from husbands and authorize it to judiciary and share property after divorce.
10. Cancel the obligatory authorization of the husband in: travel, work or going out or use contraception.
These are the destructive means of the institution of the family and community that calls for the return for the first ignorance.
The Muslim Brotherhood call upon rulers of Islamic countries and Foreign Ministers and their representatives in the United Nations to reject this document, and also we invite this organization to live up to the level of the pure family relations prescribed by Islam.
Also Muslim Brotherhood calls al-Azhar to act according to its leading role and to condemn this document and declare the position of Islam towards its articles, as it is the reference for Muslims.
As well we call other Islamic groups and associations to take a decisive stand against this document and the like.
We also call for women's organizations to adhere to their religion and the morals of their communities and the elements of our social life and not to be seduced by the deceptive, misleading and destructive calls for urbanization.
When David Bowie?s pal John Lennon ended his reclusive five-year hiatus from the music business in 1980, it was with joyful celebrations of domesticity.
Here?s what Bowie comes back with, after 10 years out of the public eye: ?I can see you as a corpse/ Hanging from a beam,? and ?Here am I/ Not quite dying/ My body left to rot on a hollow tree.?
The Next Day is Bowie?s first studio album since Reality in 2003 (Forgettable? Quick, with no Web searching: which George Harrison song did he cover on that one?). As some of the lyrics on this often-thrilling comeback disc suggest, it?s not the warm, nostalgic reaffirmation portended by its first single, the leisurely ballad Where Are We Now?
Not only are the words and images often challenging and sometimes unsettling, the music is mostly dense, dissonant and difficult ? which is all to the good. If the overall sound evokes any specific Bowie period, it might be the febrile era covering Low, ?Heroes?, Lodger and Scary Monsters. And this disc is certainly Bowie?s best work since those years.
Longtime producer Tony Visconti has loaded the album with claustrophobic, buried-treasure detail that occasionally has the listener gasping for air. The layers can be penetrated only through repeated listens, with quality headphones a most useful tool. The chords in the menacing Love Is Lost, for example, are so dirty that they are more a presence than actual notes, while the greasy cabaret baritone sax in Dirty Boys is strictly subterranean. The compelling, but impenetrable rhythm of If You Can See Me dares you to find the groove. And then there?s the ominous closer Heat, which is reminiscent of the pre-Tilt Scott Walker who shocked listeners with the likes of The Electrician.
But as interesting as the chances taken might be, the disc shows even greater dimension by including stately and accessible tracks like the psychedelic I?d Rather Be HIgh, the downright catchy Dancing Out In Space and Valentine?s Day, which almost belies its grim setting ? a murderous university rampage ? ?with a sweet melody that would sound at home on a Jeff Lynne album. You Feel So Lonely You Could Die is reminiscent of Rock n? Roll Suicide (the Ziggy Stardust connection is underlined when the drum intro of Five Years is evoked near the end).
And how about that unnerving packaging, which is simply the front and back covers of the 35-year-old Bowie classic ?Heroes?, with the original title crossed out and a white square obscuring both sides, filled by the new title and song listing?
The defacing could be a bold, forward-thinking statement or it might be a nod to the past. Most likely, it illustrates that time is elastic for great artists. The Next Day could have been made in 1978, in the same way that ??Heroes? would sound contemporary in 2013. Lke a sizeable chunk of Bowie?s oeuvre, The Next Day stands outside of time.
Rating: ****
Podworthy: I?d Rather Be High
The Next Day will be available March 12. Check out the video for The Stars (Are Out Tonight):
And click here to listen to the entire album free on iTunes.
KADUNA, Nigeria (AP) ? A breakaway Islamic extremist group said Saturday it had killed seven foreigners who its members kidnapped from northern Nigeria, according to an online message purportedly from the group.
The message, identified as coming from Ansaru, could not be immediately verified by The Associated Press, though it included photographs the group claimed showed the dead, who were kidnapped from a construction company compound in February. Those kidnapped included four Lebanese citizens and one each from Britain, Greece and Italy ? all employees of Setraco, a Lebanese construction company with an operation in Bauchi state, officials said.
Two Nigerian military spokesmen declined to immediately comment when reached by the AP, while a presidential spokesman and a spokeswoman for the country's domestic spy service could not be immediately reached. In a statement later Saturday, the British Foreign Office said it was "urgently investigating" the killings claimed by the group.
The message, posted to an Islamic extremist website Saturday, said Ansaru members killed the hostages after British warplanes were reported to have been seen in the northern Nigerian city of Bauchi by local journalists. However, the reports referenced in the online statement actually referred to the airplanes being seen at the international airport in Abuja, Nigeria's capital.
"As a result of this operation, the seven hostages were killed," the group said in the statement. It said a video of the killings would be posted online. An online image accompanying the posting appeared to show a gunman standing over dead bodies.
Ansaru said its decision to kill the hostages was also sparked by a statement immediately after the abduction from Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan who said the government would do anything in its power to free the hostages. The group said security forces had recently arrested an unspecified number of its members.
Ansaru previously issued a short statement in which it said its fighters kidnapped the foreigners Feb. 16 from a construction company's camp at Jama'are, a town about 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Bauchi, the capital of Bauchi state. The attack saw gunmen first assault a local prison and burn police trucks, authorities said. Then the attackers blew up a back fence at the construction company's compound and took over, killing a guard in the process, witnesses and police said.
The gunmen appeared to be organized and knew who they wanted to target, leaving the Nigerian household staff at the residence unharmed, while quickly abducting the foreigners, a witness said. Local officials in Nigeria initially identified one of the hostages as a Filipino, something the Philippines government later denied.
In January 2013, Ansaru declared itself a splinter group independent from Boko Haram, the north's main Islamic terrorist group, analysts say. Boko Haram, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege," has launched a guerrilla campaign of bombings and shootings across Nigeria's predominantly Muslim north. Boko Haram is blamed for at least 792 killings last year alone, according to an AP count.
On Saturday, a military spokesman said at least two soldiers and 52 Boko Haram fighters were killed in Maiduguri in fighting after a visit by the president. Those tallies could not be independently confirmed by the AP. Security forces often downplay their casualties, as well as those of civilians in the ongoing fight with guerrillas.
Britain has previously linked Ansaru to the May 2011 kidnapping of Christopher McManus, who was abducted with Italian Franco Lamolinara from a home in Kebbi state. The men were held for months, before their captors killed them in March 2012 during a failed Nigerian military raid backed up by British special forces in Sokoto, the main city in Nigeria's northwest. That rescue mission strained Italian-British relations, and out of it came pledges from Italy and Britain to beef up their cooperation on security matters and share information.
Ansaru earlier claimed the kidnapping in December of a French national working on a renewable energy project in Nigeria's northern Katsina state. Meanwhile, a group of men claiming to belong to Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of seven French tourists from northern Cameroon late February ? a first for the group.
Analysts say Ansaru likely has closer ties to al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, the Africa branch of the terror network. Analysts have warned that there likely will be more attacks by Ansaru targeting Westerners and Western interests in Nigeria, as well as neighboring nations. Ansaru initially said it carried out the kidnappings in part as a response to the French military intervention in Mali. The French, backed up by Malian soldiers, have been fighting the Islamic militants who seized control of northern cities there in the weeks following a coup that toppled the West African nation's democratically elected government.
Despite the deployment of more soldiers and police to northern Nigeria, the nation's weak central government has been unable to stop the killings. Meanwhile, human rights groups and local citizens blame both Boko Haram and security forces for committing violent atrocities against the local civilian population, fueling rage in the region
Associated Press writers Maamoun Youssef in Cairo, Sylvia Hui in London, Haruna Umar in Maiduguri, Nigeria, and Andrew Meldrum in Johannesburg contributed to this report.
Jon Gambrell can be reached at www.twitter.com/jongambrellAP .
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In August of last year, a number of German lawmakers were pressing proposed??ancillary copyright? legislation that would have required Google and others that indexed or aggregated news to pay for links or excerpts from those news items.
The proposed law was?championed?by German magazine and newspaper publishers who, like their counterparts in the US, are seeing declining readership and ad sales.
The law did pass in the German?parliament, but Bloomberg reports that a compromise reached earlier this week stayed in. That compromise will allow Google (and others) ?to display ?single words or very small text excerpts? referring to publishers? websites at no cost. For content exceeding these limits, publishers retain the ?exclusive right of use,? according to the bill.
However, there also apparently remains ambiguity?about exactly how much can be excerpted without a content license (see the postscript below). In the US, the ?fair use? doctrine under the First Amendment would prohibit any similar proposal from becoming law.
In France, Google also recently?avoided a ?link tax? by agreeing to create a ?60 million ?Digital Publishing Innovation Fund? to ?help stimulate innovation and increase revenues for French publishers.?
For a great deal more background, see our previous stories below:
Postscript: The following statement was released earlier today by?the?European Publishers Council:
The European Publishers Council (EPC) welcomes today?s decision by the German Bundestag to approve an ancillary copyright for news publishers in law that means that search engines and other aggregators who commercialise publishers? content will no longer be able to do so without permission. The ?Leistungsschutzrecht,? as it is know in German, will pave the way for commercial negotiations between the parties on the price for the commercial use of publishers? content.
EPC Chairman and CEO of Impresa in Portugal, Francisco Pinto Balsem?o, said: ?The EPC welcomes this important vote in the German Bundestag today which recognises clearly in copyright law both the value and the cost of investment in professional journalistic content.?
The new law will only apply to those companies who exploit commercially third party content such as content aggregators and search engines. The proposed provision signifies no change at all to possible uses by other users, or for consumers, bloggers or companies and associations who may use links or cite passages of published content.
News publishers can now demand that search engines and other providers of such services that aggregate their content, refrain from unauthorised forms of usage. These companies will need licences for such usage in the future.
The EPC believes that this law will help establish a market for aggregator content. New innovative business models can now be built based on legally licensed content.
Meanwhile the EPC is actively working on creating the technical infrastructure that will facilitate the communication of online digital rights. Its project, the Linked Content Coalition, has devised a new Rights Reference Model (RRM), due to be published for comment over the next few weeks. The RRM brings together for the first time all the different licensing models and languages for all kinds of content: text, images, video, music, for example. This project seeks to solve the problem and address the criticism that it is often difficult to work out how to use online content legally ? for individuals, businesses and for automated tools.
EPC?s Executive Director, Angela Mills Wade said: ?With the right legal conditions and the technical tools provided by the Linked Content Coalition, it will be easy to access and use content legally. This will mean that publishers will have the incentive to continue to populate the internet with high-quality, authoritative, diverse content and to support new, innovative business models for online content.?
Commentary from Greg: It?s clear that the publishers are putting their ?spin? on the legislation that was passed and that they will push for content licenses for other than ?de minimis? usage of newspaper and magazine content by Google and others.
If concrete rules around how much content can be show for free cannot be negotiated between the parties, it?s a safe bet that Google and others will be sued by German publishers under the new law.?Then the battle will shift to the courts, which will be forced to interpret the precise scope of the ?very small text?excerpts? that are exempt from the new law.
Related Topics: Google: Critics | Google: Legal | Google: News | Google: Outside US | Legal: Copyright | Legal: Crawling Indexing | Top News
About The Author: Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor at Search Engine Land. He writes a personal blog Screenwerk, about SoLoMo issues and connecting the dots between online and offline. He also posts at Internet2Go, which is focused on the mobile Internet. Follow him @gsterling. See more articles by Greg Sterling
The elderly must consider what?s important in terms of community when deciding where to settle in order to age slowly. Paul Irving, Chief Operating Officer at the Milken Institute explains how the aging population has brought about a massive demographic shift in the U.S. and that while the elderly need quality healthcare, they?re looking for new approaches to wellness, as well.
Out of 359 U.S. metropolitan cities (large and small were separated), here are some of the highest-ranked areas in which to have a chance at more successful aging.
Affordability ? Toledo, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio is one of the most affordable major metro areas in the nation to buy a home, according to the NAHB. The faded auto assembly city, located in northwest Ohio, seems to care about the elderly residents and is taking steps to avoid sending them into retirement homes prematurely. Housing is at reasonable pricing for a couple with a fixed income. An apartment or condo, in lieu of a house, is a great option because there?s much less to manage, allowing the aging to get more involved in the community. In Toledo, there?s access to community centers, golf courses, parks, food delivery and quality home care.
Wellness ? Provo, Utah
The elderly living in Provo-Orem, Utah is certainly in the right place. The city ranked No. 1 on the Milken Institutes ?Best Cities for Successful Aging? list. With clean mountain air, there are lower numbers of elderly with chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity (researchers noted the limited number of fast-food chains). Also noted, Provo is known for its pro-business choices, safety, community activities, quality of overall healthcare and lifestyle, and opportunities for careers of all ages.
Community Engagement ? Bridgeport, Conn.
While ranking No. 17 on the overall list, Bridgeport-Stamford-Norwalk, Connecticut ranked No. 1 for community engagement and No. 2 for wellness, which to some seniors is the most important aspect to keeping their wheels turning. With its connectability to New York City, Bridgeport is a global financial center according to the report. Residents tend to enjoy getting out to see the large amount of art, culture, entertainment and recreational facilities. There are prevalent senior volunteer opportunities, and many YMCAs seniors can take advantage of. It?s touted as a safe and secure environment while the elderly enjoy a lower percentage of mental disorders, diabetes and obesity.
Transportation ? Boston, Mass.
Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH is ranked No. 1 for seniors age 80 and older, and No. 2 for transportation. With a culture filled with history, education, theater and music, the Greater Boston area is constantly improving. Employment isn?t only available, but it?s high for ages 65 and older. Walking is common, and public transportation is convenient, which promotes a healthy lifestyle. Doctors, physical therapists and grocery stores are abundant. There?s no need to have a vehicle. This helps you to reduce your carbon footprint and have a less stressful move across the country.
Gone are the days of heading south to live the rest of your life under the shade of a Florida tree alongside flamingos. Too many folks get down to West Palm Beach and decide it?s not the most glamorous or easygoing locale to successfully age.
(Reuters) - HSBC and Standard Chartered will report a reduction in their bonus pools, reflecting separate settlements with U.S. authorities over probes into money laundering and sanctions violations, Sky News reported on Sunday.
HSBC's bonus pot will fall to about 2 billion pounds ($3 billion) from 2.8 billion pounds paid out in 2011, Sky News said on its website, with Chief Executive Stuart Gulliver expected to take home 6 million to 7 million pounds, including a bonus of just under 2 million pounds.
His counterpart at Standard Chartered, Peter Sands, will take home less than 2 million pounds in bonus payments, with the bank's overall bonus pool cut to $1.4 billion from $1.54 billion pounds, last year, Sky News said.
In December, HSBC reached a settlement with U.S. authorities and agreed to pay $1.92 billion to settle a probe into laundering money for drug cartels.
In the same month, Standard Chartered agreed to pay $327 million to resolve allegations that it violated U.S. sanctions against Iran, Sudan and two other countries on top of a separate payment the bank made in August last year to New York's state banking regulator over Iran sanctions.
Both companies declined to comment.
(Reporting by Abhishek Takle in Bangalore; Editing by Richard Chang)